Mon - Fri : 07 AM - 4 PM
Our Motto
Youth Against Poverty.
Our Vision
Communities free from poverty and destitution with dignity.
Our Mission
To eradicate poverty in partnership with communities for sustainable development.

About Us

SAADO - Smile Again Africa Development Organization is a national non-profit humanitarian and development organization dedicated to working with the youth and their communities to reach their full potential. Founded in 2011, SAADO works across all the states of South Sudan promoting social cohesion and empowering communities to tackle the causes of poverty and injustice. We provide humanitarian assistance to families affected by disaster & conflict while partnering with communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty. Motivated by the potential in the youth, we optimize their role to foster peaceful co-existence and economic empowerment in South Sudan.

Our Core Values

  • We are transparent and accountable.
  • We are reliable and trust worthy.
  • We work as a team.
  • We respect diversity.
  • We are creative and innovative.
  • We work independently.
  • We work in guidance of Humanitarian.
  • We highly value Humanity, Neutrality and   Impartiality.

Strategic Objectives

  • Promote equitable access to food and sustainable livelihoods.
  • Address child hunger and malnutrition.
  • Provide access to quality education for all.
  • Promote social cohesion, peace building and reconciliation.
  • Provide access to WASH services including potable water,    sanitation and community sensitization.
  • Promote humanitarian protection, child protection and gender     outcomes through advocacy & lobbying on behalf of women, children   and vulnerable populations.


SAADO is a national non-profit humanitarian and development organization dedicated to working with the youth and their communities to reach their full potential

Our Contact Address

Hai Cinema, Juba, South Sudan.



What We Do

Food Security & Livelihood

Gender And Protection

Education And Peace Building

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene


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SAADO is a national non-profit humanitarian and development organization dedicated